Measuring the ROI of Content Marketing

It’s the white elephant standing in the offices of countless marketing directors: How do you measure the ROI of content marketing? A recent study found that 71% of inbound marketers from companies of 200 or more employees say that measuring the ROI of their marketing dollars is their biggest challenge. And nearly three out of four marketers feel pressure to demonstrate the ROI of their content marketing.

To get the full picture on content marketing’s effectiveness, you have to consider numerous metrics. In this 16-page guide, we take you through the key metrics of consumption, sharing, lead generation, and sales. You’ll learn:

  • How to move beyond the obvious brand awareness metrics

  • What brand sentiment is—and how transparency is being used to bolster it

  • Why longer dwell time boosts customer engagement

  • How backlinks power your search engine rankings

  • How to tie leads back to content engagement

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